Botanic gardens, edinburgh

Botanic gardens, edinburgh

Thursday 19 February 2015

Diary entry 4) Top dressing the Cherry Walk

After digging the borders in the Cherry Walk we top dressed them with well rotted farmyard manure. You don't want the fresh stuff as it can scorch plant's roots and damage rather than being beneficial.

As you can see from the photos, it took a lot of muck but it should enrich the soil for a long period, therefore subsequent courses wont have to disturb the plants to top dress the soil again for several years. We left the fallen leaves from the cherry trees as they will eventually be taken down into the soil by the worms and become good organic matter.

Some of the bulbs that had been planted when the borders were first dug are already in flower. I think these were autumn crocuses but I can't remember for certain - but the label's there somewhere!

This panorama shows just how big the area that we're working on is, but also how beautiful it is and the potential it's got to be a great place to visit and enjoy.

After that long day we were blessed with a beautiful autumn sunset in the evening.

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